Friday, February 19, 2010

Processing Game

I finally made some headway in producing a game concept I have been thinking about for a while. Its my modified version of a game mechanic that has been around for a while. I saw an implementation of the same mechanic in a mini game in Time Splitters 2 that I liked. I reproduced the vector feel of the mini game and changed the flat landscape from that one into a circular one, a planet. I've tried to code something like this many times without a lot of success.

I stumbled across Kokoromi's call for submissions for consideration in GAMMAIV shortly after starting again on my coding. The deadline, which was less than a week away, gave me enough motivation to finish.

It also caused me to produce some pretty messy code, though I am satisfied with what I accomplished in that short time. I used this method to rotate my points and simple multiplication for the zoom as opposed to the built in Processing transforms which tend to confuse me. A lot of sin and cos were used for gravity, thrust, etcetera including this little gem I found somewhere -- sin(pangle-angle2) -- to compare angles without wrapping problems. This code on Processing Hacks handles collisions.

It was suggested that the games be kept secret until they were exhibited or until we got word they were not selected. Check out the other non-selected games currently being collected in this forum post.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Big Update

Tonight I'm "going live" with an update to my main site (which is what you are looking at right now, hopefully, after being redirected from which contains all my new work. Since creating the new site I haven't got around to doing a lot of Processing but I have uploaded a new sketch in honor of the big update.

It may not seem like a big update, but it was quite a pain. This site (accessible via although it is currently at now pulls my posts from Blogspot. I'm using Magpie which in turn uses a PHP library called Snoopy that acts like a web browser usable inside scripts. Snoopy gets the feed and Magpie formats it for display. I'm not sure if its the best solution as the project looks a little run down but it seems to work okay so far. It seems to lag behind a little on the updating with new posts. I don't know how its cache system works and its not to well documented.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009 improvements

Worked on some little things on the site today and added to the RSS to make it more compliant. The dates on the RSS are approximate upload dates. Last time I put up new work I uploaded a batch of stuff I had done in the previous couple of months. Now my RSS thing reads the "last modified" dates on the files, so I just touched them with times a minute apart in the order I wanted.

I've been trying to work on a project that is more extensive than my usual explorations so I could maybe learn some new Java stuff. I hope to have it up sometime in the near future.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

As you can see I haven't posted much of anything lately. You haven't missed much, but I do have a new site up for my sketches and other work:

I will probably continue the blog separately from the gallery site. I haven't decided what exactly I want to do yet so there are not links back here on the gallery site.

Bear with me I'm still working on it. If you have problems with it please email I've added an RSS feed but I have to get the domain fowarding/masking set up right so my meta and link tags will work.

Monday, September 15, 2008


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basic example of feedback in a sketch, move your mouse over it

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

prime music

Here it is as promised. Press 'm' to change the view mode. Note that the zoomed mode was a little twitchy when tested on Firefox 2.x but fine in 3.x. Press ']' and '[' (keys 93 and 91) to increase or decrease playback rate. Press space to play / pause.

While paused press '-' or '=' or numberpad '-' or '+' (keys 45, 61, 43) to increase or decrease the number of rows. To set the number of columns type a three digit number between 3 and 120. For 57 as an example, type 057 and then enter/return. It doesn't give you feedback on what you have typed until you hit enter. If you get mixed up hit backspace or delete to clear and start over.

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Sunday, August 24, 2008

WIP: Prime Number Music

The next project in progress here is a data-player of sorts that creates MIDI music from prime numbers (or any other sequence on ints) as input. It was first executed in V4. Preview it here:

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

frame buffer experiment

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This sketch is the result of the bouncing circles with frame buffer experiments. Click to reset.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

discs + blog status

Discs is a sketch that came out of more experimentation with agents. In this setup the agents can see and individually identify others in their site range. The possibilities of this are not pushed very far in this particular sketch but it creates nice visual compositions.

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space toggles color / b&w, click for new composition

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A contact form is the newest addition to the blog but the layout seems to be messed up in Internet Explorer now. A javascript framework might be a good way to go. If anyone has any suggestions about how to easily avoid cross-browser inconsistency it would be highly appreciated.

This image shows how its supposed to work. Notice the right side is scrolled while the stuff on the left stays static.

Friday, June 27, 2008


Four-thousand software agents live and die to compose this sketch. Simple logic controls their lives. They are sensitive to the amount of dark pixels directly surrounding them and try to move towards the lighter ones. By clicking the sketch to focus then moving your mouse you can control their environment and sensitivity to overcrowding. The agents respawn in a randomly selected uncrowded location after death.

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mouseX : crowd sensitivity
mouseY : accumulation

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

circles + backbuffer

This is a fairly simple combination of my modified circles code and the backbuffer stuff from the last post.

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still sketchy, no controls has pause now, click in applet, again to continue

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Monday, June 23, 2008

extended patterns

This is an extension on the code from the last post. This one does the same pixel operations but does them on an invisible array of pixels and streams them into the viewable area. There are also more controls on this one:

  • 1-7 : # keys 1,2,3...7 change mode
  • animation position/rate :
    • r : random position
    • p : pause/unpause
    • - : decrease display rate (tap)
    • = : increase display rate (tap)
  • backbuffer size :
    • s : random size square
    • n : random size non-square
    • x : random size square > view
    • z : random size non-square > view
    • f : fill view (backbuffer 400, 400)

Information is displayed to the Java console each time a key is pressed.

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Friday, June 20, 2008


Patterns are generated with simple operations on each pixel in the frame. Combining the pixel index (j) with the width and height of the frame and a small incrementing decimal (count, the frame number of the animation) through modulus and scaling determines if the pixel is filled black or passed over.

pixels[floor(constrain(((j%height)*width+(j%(count*j)%width)), 0, pixels.length-1))]

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press 1-7 for variations, p to pause/unpause, r to go to random position in animation

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

bouncing circles

Seen here are some sketches that came out of exploration of the basic bouncing circles code provided for the 'Remix' my sketch post on The first one uses straight mathematical operations on the colors which produces somewhat strange results. The second one uses more graceful color mixing and is more finished.

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uses addition and modulus (which produces the "tearing") on colors

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uses more graceful color operations (same addition from previous post) to maintain homeostasis

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

perlin experiments

Here we have some Perlin noise sketches. The first two came about while heading towards the third and getting off track or screwing up. Learning about color mixing and the visual presentation of the first one was worth it:

pixels[i+j*width] = color(red(pixels[i+j*width])+a[0], green(pixels[i+j*width])+a[1], blue(pixels[i+j*width])+a[2]);

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tendency for Perlin noise to form gridded circles when accumulated

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kind of a failed attempt at the last one

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original intended output; incremented threshold on single Perlin instance

click in sketch to restart

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Monday, June 16, 2008

experimental processing sketchbook

This is an attempt at putting together a blog with the main purpose being a gallery of Processing sketches. Some input on this as far as how it works and any other feedback would be great (maybe screenshots in your browser). It most likely has some problems and probably doesn't work very well in some browsers. This is the first successful iteration of it and the code is still sketchy.

The space to the right is an iframe that loads the auto-generated sketch sites output from Processing. It is inside a div with a fixed position so if scrolling is required the applet display box will stay in one place while the posts scroll. Each link to a sketch closes any sketch that is currently in the display box before displaying the linked sketch.

an example sketch link

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